
Monday, May 6, 2013

Completed Baby Albums

I was a first born child, so my Mom spent many hours making a baby book for me.  Now, back then, they didn't take quite so many pictures, but my Mom had everything there, all the prices she paid for a layette (down to the price it cost to buy a nursing bra!), what games were played at my shower, my first Valentine's Day cards and even my first haircut!  My second brother had a few things in his baby book, and finally, there was the baby, which I'm not even sure there were any pictures of! 

Although I wasn't the victim  like my younger siblings (Ok - I just thought my parents loved me more! lol) and not getting much for baby books, I remember thinking that I would never do that to my children: deprive them of childhood memories. So with each additional child, I have set out to get their first year of life into an album.   

Now if I lost you, because you feel the pain of not having a baby album completed for your children, let me begin again!  I don't have anymore time than the next person, but I have made a commitment to get that one thing done, equally for all of my children!  My first four children each got their albums done right around 1 to 1 1/2 years of age.  I put together all the photos, stories and keepsakes in one album ending with their First Birthday.

For my fifth child, sad to say, I haven't been quite as faithful as in the past.  I am still trying to get her album completed and she is about to turn 3!  Shame on me, right?  Well, never fear, if I can keep chugging away at getting this album done, so can you!  In fact, this month, not only am I getting the baby album done for the two-year-old, but I also completed a Prom album for my 16-year-old!   What's my secret?  Plain and simple: priorities!  I set the time aside and I do it!  No excuses!

I thought I'd share with you one of the pages I recently completed.  This is one of my fancier ones, most are more simple!  To me, it's more important to just get my story into the baby album.  I love the pennant look (by cutting squares in half) along with making ribbons.  To make the ribbon edge, I used a Square Shape Maker turned at an angle.  You could also just cut them using a scissors.
I used the Border Maker System  to make the borders across the top.  I will make a list below of all the tools and supplies I used to make this layout.  Any purchase made through my website HERE help to pay for the extras in my household (and my baby albums), so I appreciate your business!
Here's what I used:

So in honor of National Scrapbook Day this month, get back to, start, and finish those baby albums!!  It's not too late to start, and better yet, it's definitely not too late to finish your baby albums!  Your children will thank you!

Please let me know what you think and visit those sites I like to share with on the right column of my blog!


  1. This looks great...thanks for sharing! This would be perfect to link-up to my new series - "Create It Thursday." It's live now!

  2. OH how cute! I am guilty...only two kids, and yet their album is all together. Why just one album? Because they both are together so much! I tried to do one each, and have some pictures of each of them, but the more I got to working on it, the more it became necessary to put them together. SO...with scanning being so easy to accomplish, It will fall to them eventually to have the original copied, and they can just share the big book back and forth if they want to.
    At least I got that one started!!!
    I'm so glad you reminded me that I have to spend time on something to finish it! Congrats!!
    And thank you so much for joining me for my party!!


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