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Recycled Denim Jacket

My 18 year old daughter found this denim jacket for $10 at a thrift store and fell in love immediately! She’s been wanting to ink a denim jacket, so this fit the bill!  She’s worked on this while I read history to her in homeschool. My girls enjoy being creative during homeschool time.  Supplies for this project:  -denim jacket -white ink -Vintage Paris Transfer —Small squeegee Shop for other options  HERE!   ♻️ Thrift + Create – Giving old pieces a fresh look is a great way to craft with purpose! 🎨 Personalized Touch – No two inked designs are the same, making each project truly unique. 👩‍🎨 Creative Bonding – Crafting together is a beautiful way to share skills and creativity across generations. Want to start your own thrift flip project? Let’s chat about how Chalk Couture inks can transform your wardrobe! Drop a 💙 if you love DIY fashion
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T-shirt Special Order - Day 6 of 30 Days of Homemade Christmas Gifts

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Shiplap Reindeer Games Sign - Day 5 of 30 Days of Homemade Christmas Gifts

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Gingerbread Ornaments - Day 4 of 30 Days of Homemade Christmas Gifts

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Painted Tray - Day 3 of 30 Days of Homemade Christmas Gifts

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Thrifted Spoons | Day 2 of Homemade Christmas Gifts

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Inked Oven Mitts | Day 1 of 30 Days of Homemade Christmas Gifts

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