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"How's it going?"

With the invention of cell phones and texting, and even social media, I knew that we would rarely actually talk to people in person, but I have recently noticed that we don't even respond to people anymore, not even a text!  Is this our fate? 
As a direct seller, I make a special effort to really try to personally connect with my customers on Facebook and also by texting them.  I don't just send advertisements, but I try to connect!  I was trying to call them, like a good direct seller, but people weren't answering my calls anymore.  It was then that I realized that people are just not talking on the phone anymore.
I decided about a month ago, to send 3-5 personal messages each day either on Facebook or by text to my friends and customers to try to reconnect.  Here's what I say: "Hi, Jenny!  How's it going?"  That's it! 
I would say that less than 5% of people actually respond to this bland question when I message them. Don't get me wrong, I've had some great results and conversations with the 5% that do respond to this approach, but the vast majority of people don't even respond or react!  Really? 
I can't believe that we have gotten to a time and place, where when someone asks us how it is going, that we don't even respond!  Nothing!  Does anyone else think this is strange?  I really don't think it's because people don't like me, I just think that we've gotten to a time and place that we don't talk to people.... 
What do you think?  Am I alone in this?


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