Friday, October 23, 2015

Homecoming Fun: School Spirit

Last week was a big week around our town -  it was Homecoming Week.  As a part of homecoming week, the athletes in football, volleyball, and cross country, do a Big Brother, Little Sister Exchange.  The volleyball players pick one of the football player's names out to give some school spirit to for the week.  Although we homeschool, my kids have played on the high school teams at the public school, so this has been a fun week for them for the past few years!  The school assigns my kids a locker to use for the week so that it can be used for a drop off place.
 As a homeschool, I have to say this has been a really great experience for my kids to not only bond with their teammates, but also feel like they are a part of the community.  My kids go to all the after school event during homecoming, including bonfires, cookouts, and even ride in the parade with their graduating class.
The week begins with decorating each others lockers and also hanging a huge sign up in one of the local storefronts for their big brother.  Here's my daughter's decked out locker for the week!  Most of the kids actually leave the locker decorations up for the rest of the year.
Each day of the week, the kids sneak a gift in the locker of their big brother/ little sister.  My daughter was really into this and used ideas from Pinterest to come up with ideas to go with her gifts.  You can check out my School Spirit Board. for more of the ideas that I have pinned.  I thought I'd share what worked for her.
My daughter went to the Dollar Tree to get most of the gifts so it doesn't have to be too expensive.  Putting ribbon and/or a cute container on the gifts make it that much more expensive.  Blue and white ribbon has become a staple in our house for the school colors!

This gift contained: Power Aide, Crunch Bar, and Trail Mix
Note: You have the POWER to CRUNCH the Maniacs on your TRAIL to victory!
Sorry this picture is sideways, for some reason my phone doesn't turn these when they load.
Gift: Large bag of chips (could use small one)
Note: You're all that and a bag of chips!
Gift: Bubble and Tootsie Pops
Note: Blow the Maniacs away!
Gift: Bag of carrots, Ranch Dressing
Note: Sack the Quarterback Snacks
One other gift that she did, that I didn't catch in a picture was:
Gift: 6 Large Tootsie Rolls & a Rolo tied together
Note: Roll over the Maniacs

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