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Embroidery Kit & Class

 Have you ever embroidered?  Even if you haven’t, these kits are truly basic enough that anyone can complete them.  To add to the ease of these kits, there is a QR code on the instructions that goes to really nice videos of each of the stitches.  I have also been offering videos of each stitch as well as a general DIY video.

Each kit includes:

  • Hoop - You can even hang the finished project in this hoop!
  • Floss - more than you need!
  • Transfer/ stencil 
  • Ink packets
  • Needle
  • Fabric
There is enough of all the supplies, except the hoop to complete at least 2 projects with each kit!  What a deal!

Here is my video of the inking of the fabric:

Here is the class I offered: 

I am working on recording all the stitches individually too, those will be available in my members only subscribers.  I am so excited about this new feature! Get the classes!

Don’t forget to get one of our kits before they leave! Get a DIY Embroidery Kit!


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